Weekly Update.
We have had another good week on the homing front, 3 ponies, Romulos, Poppy and the lovely old Angel…
Pitt a beautiful black greyhound boy has gone to his new home too. We have a couple more greyhounds reserved.
We lost one of the ducklings, probably a bloody crow or bird of prey, of which we have plenty…
And we thought we were going to lose our old Shetland pony Sunny. But thankfully he is okay. They are such a worry the little ones when they suffer from laminitis. It’s really difficult to get the right diet. Which doesn’t include grass!!
It’s Monday morning, the trainers are going to start ringing anytime wanting to fetch the dogs in. It’s always a juggling act. If we had a thousand kennels they would be full.
At least the weather is cooler today so the dogs will get a proper runaround. They have had only limited exercise over the weekend…