What I forgot to put on the website is that we got keys to our new Charity Shop in Nairn in February. The shop was in a bit of a state but with the help of some very good workmen, free scaffold boards and a team of volunteers, it didn’t take long to sort it out.
We opened on Monday the 25th March and the shop was officially opened by Paul, the manager from Boath House.
We have just had an amazing first week with the help of our lovely volunteers, shoppers and lots of donations.
Special thanks to Emma, our manager from the Pickering Shop who came up for a week to point us all in the right direction and also special thanks to the new manager, Hazel, who has taken to it like a duck to water.
An amazing amount of just over £2500 was taken in the first week, a brilliant start.
As well as the donated items we are also selling new dogs beds and vet bed, shipped up from Huddersfield, dog treats, Kong toys and Scoops dog ice cream.
Thanks everyone…Deb
ps We will be losing the purple once it’s warm enough to paint the outside…