We have a lot of good people who help keep this Charity going, most of them don’t want medals or gold stars, they just want to help and are passionate about Tia. This is just a snapshot of what happened over the 2 weeks spanning the dogs shows, here and back in Halifax.

The show in Halifax had been booked, the stalls were manned, rosettes waiting for their proud owners,  judges in attendance, the merchandise was out and we were ready to go. Clearly that is the short version.

I had come down the day before with Steer and Marble, their new owners were very happy, the dogs not so sure. Me, I was a wreck, I don’t know if it was because Steer had left us after so long or if it was because I was back in my home town, the Calder Valley. Fifty years of my life spent there and twenty years of the Charity..

It was however lovely to see lots of old friends at the show and the dogs of course. The rain didn’t deter us we just hid under the trees and waited for it to ease. It was a wonderful day.

On the way back up to Scotland I met a trainer at Ferrybridge, I wish I’d had a £1 for every time I’ve done that and Wyatt and Dina were whisked up the A1…

A few days later, Becky was on her way up after picking up a stray greyhound girl from the pound, Jess was on her way up after picking one of our greyhound girls up from a home in Leeds, she hadn’t settled…via Scotch Corner where she picked up Emma, the Pickering Shop manager. Darren & Ange were also on their way up from Rotherham, Kenzie from Newcastle and Cecilia, who had been at the Halifax show, the day after completing the Three Peaks, was heading up on the bus…

The show in Inverness was thrown together, the stalls were manned, rosettes waiting for their proud owners,  judges in attendance, the merchandise was out and we were ready to go. Clearly that is the short version.

It was a blustery day and by 11.30am I could have cried again….then they came….car, after car, after car. It was so busy the ring was 3 deep at one point. Over 250 dogs entered into the classes. It was another lovely day, a new sort of day.

Then it was done and Becky headed off home, the shortest failed fosterer probably of all time and the stray little black greyhound girl, now called Betty was whisked back down the motorway to her new home…No more the husband said….yeah right…

The next day Jess set off back down, with Tucker. He has gone, on foster, to some very good friends. Over 3 years he had been with us, please behave yourself big lad.

I want to thank all our volunteers, old and new because without you we wouldn’t be here. Whether you donate monthly,  help at events, transport, recycle, computer stuff,  rehome/foster dogs….whatever it is that you do, it means a massive amount.


And please don’t forget about our few loyal staff, on the farm, who are always busy, looking after these precious souls….
