We received the following email from Jennifer earlier this week about her meeting with Hedley, an ex Tia resident, and it gave us a chuckle.

Well let me tell you a story ?. I am 70 and really a cat person with a few special exceptions. 
So I am just about to have my kitchen redone. ‘What?’ I hear you say. Stick with it.
We were in the kitchen showroom in 3 Legged Cross, Dorset, with Dave, when the most beautiful soul on legs came down the stairs. Apologies from Dave as the dog sitter was sick. Suddenly my fear flipped into love at first sight! Hedley (ex-Tia resident) was missing Daddy and had come to find him. As we sat down in the office, Hedley looked at me. Oh heart flip!. Dave said he has had rescue greyhounds from Tia for years and Hedley is his current love. Hedley has chosen his car and moved house so he is closer to the New Forest.
So, I surfed the Tia website. The Sheffield 13 came up. Oh my goodness. Finally those beauties luck has changed. I was so moved I have donated. I have 4 cats otherwise I would be up to visit you. So I am compelled to tell you the story of how I fell in love with greyhounds.
My best wishes to you in all you do and if you think a greyhound wouldn’t chase my 4 kitties i will be up. Suspect though there would be much merriment?.