Just a reminder that we have a Tia fundraising stall and dog walk at Cannon Hall Country Park, near Barnsley S75 4AT on Sun 8th Oct. Please note, this is not at Cannon Hall Farm but next door. The stall will be open from 10am to 4pm. The Tia walk around Cannon Hall Country Park will start at 11am from the stall (meet around 10.30am). It’s a great chance for both Tia humans and greyhounds to get together, as well as raising funds for Tia. We shall have tombolas, the ever popular sausage bobbing, vet bed at an excellent price, and more merchandise than your greyhound could ever wish for. If anyone wants anything in particular bringing to buy, please let us know. The stall will be close to the Council-run car park, which is opposite the garden centre. There are cafes, gardens and parkland to explore and it’s a great day out.