Avril’s fundraiser

Avril has supported Tia since we began from volunteering in the Meltham shop, running lots of events and her coffee morning which she holds every year.

This year it is on Saturday 30th July 9.30 -12noon at Meltham Church Hall.

It is £1 admission and that includes tea or coffee and biscuits.

There will be a raffle, a tombola, cake stall and lots of plants for sale ( which she grows herself )

Please come and support Tia and especially Avril….Thanks Avril…



Our very lucky ponies and horses.


We have 27 horses and ponies on site at the minute. The lovely Angie & Celine are going to live on Bernera in September. A far cry from the over 100 cobs that were left to die in the fields on Wroot Road in Doncaster. They nearly did die to be honest but we persevered and then some.

What lucky ponies they are and very soon they will have a small girl human to call their very own….


May be an image of indoor

We always knew that there would be some Tia dogs that would need our help when we moved.
Here is Melvaig, he is coming up 7yrs old and has been in a home for the past 18 months. He is not happy with the new baby and is looking for a foster home asap.
No cats or small fluffies but he is okay with other greyhounds.
Update….Melvaig is now in a foster home with a greyhound girl and what can I say,  ” he is besotted “
He would really like to go and live with a greyhound girl.
He is in foster in West Yorkshire, please message the rehoming page if you are interested in our lovely gentleman…



Rusheen Bouler         dob  10.07.2011

The writing was on the wall soon after he came up the drive back at Moorside. Came last in both his trials in Ireland and ended up here so long ago, we had to dig out the file to find his name.

Tarzan had sponsor dog written all over him. We cannot remember even risking him in a rehome. Still he has been blissfully happy all these years and the staff love him.

It was Tarzan’s birthday a couple of years ago…i cant believe he is 11 years old.

Six and a half years he has been at Tia. Still absolutely nuts with other breeds but an absolute gentleman who loves his life at Tia.  Please click on the video….


Sponsor Scheme Volunteer

We are looking for a volunteer to look after the sponsor scheme. You must have a good understanding of excel and word to be able to manage the database, process new sponsors & renewals etc. You should be able to communicate with the fundraiser and the farm for updates on the sponsor animals
If you think this may be of interest, then please email me to discuss further

A massive thank you to Animal Friends Pet Insurance for their kind donation of £5000 towards our fundraising for building a new kennel block at Easter Hardmuir Farm.