And so it begins

And so it begins

These two were fetched from the pound yesterday when their time was up.

The black and white girl we are going to call Agatha. It suits her.

The black boy Apollo, as his racing name is Adraville Apollo. He has just gone 3 years old and last raced in Ireland on the 25th April this year. He has been in the stray kennel twice since then. Goodness knows what he is making of England.

They aren’t on sofa’s or in homes or at Tia. They are on the allotment with the other 13 dogs. Happy though, amongst their own.

End Of An Era

Royal Ascot it ain’t.

Askern is closing. The last flapping track. It normally holds twelve, six runner races every Friday evening and trials three mornings a week. Flapping men could easily have up to 30 dogs on allotments/sheds and the fallout cannot be underestimated. With these sort of numbers the end will be brutal. These dogs are not the responsibility of the GBGB and the buck stops…..well somewhere.

Please watch “The Flapping Track” 2014 on YouTube and thank what ever you believe in, that these days are coming to an end. It is an hour you will never get back  and you’ll need a stiff gin afterwards. If you have a racer off us on the sofa, hold his or her paw and murmur something soppy.

Because most of our/your dogs raced at dives like this at some point.  Flappers dreams they call them. Some resurfaced again in stray kennels or on free adds but a huge number arrived at Tia by stealth, restoring our faith in humanity. Decent human beings picked up the nameless failures at the end of the night, knowing we wouldn’t refuse sanctuary in the early hours of the following morning. We didn’t and we won’t.

We owe a few people so much and they are trainers and owners too. Tia have committed itself to taking 13 dogs  before the traps finally fly open on 23rd September. We aren’t going back word even if it means another convoy of the faithful but we really need help from you.

Our kennels aren’t ready yet and we need a massive push for funding. We are blessed with having huge support especially when the chips are down. Our FB account has 38,000 subscribers. Just imagine the difference a £1 each could do. Please donate whatever you can,  no matter how little,  so we can get past this crisis and back on track. Regular donations are even better as we can budget.

The chips really are down for these dogs.

Tia Greyhound & Lurcher Rescue

Nat West

account no 76587576

sort code 60 09 27

Thanks Deb

Please let them all get to have a lovely grey face….

Nellie & Nina

Nellie & Nina

These two lovely ladies were fetched up here in June… Both redundant.

Nina the younger girl was called Avongate Nina and was racing at Harlow until the 20th February this year. She then did her stint at Askern flapping track.  She is a feisty young lady but she is getting there.

Nellie the older girl, Swift Gingerly has popped out a few litters of lurchers. Nellie is gorgeous and has already bagged herself a home where she will be going when she has recovered from her neutering operation.

Thanks to our volunteer who fetched them up.

If anyone fancies a trip up I need a couple fetching….Thanks Deb


Tia Foster Homes Needed.

Tia Foster Homes Needed.

UPDATE   to date we have had no offers of foster homes. Yesterday there were 2 strays in the pound, there time was up. I feel very sad that no one has come forward to foster. Deb


So for the past 27 years I have been taking dogs in as you all know. They were all fetched to Tia one way or another. They were then neutered and had dentals in our amazing vet rooms which I miss, a lot. And Chris & Becca obviously.  (Bet they miss my butties every Thursday)

Anyhow obviously things are very different now and this is what needs to happen moving forward because I cannot turn my back on these dogs, but I can’t do it without your help.

These dogs need foster homes, preferably near to a Donaldson’s branch. They need keeping safe, having their op’s and rehoming down there. The ones that can’t can, at some stage, come up here.

There are only 11 dogs we used to take this many in a week sometimes….

With all the Tia adopters & supporters out there surely we can make this happen.  I don’t know anything about them other than their ages but I do know it needs to happen soon. I haven’t seen them but I am going to give them names, they deserve that at least.

Lets start with the little black girl at the top….two and a half years old…Mabel

Black dog three years old….Winston

Black & white girl 3 years, green collar….Thelma

Black boy 3 years old with the yellow collar….Harvey

Black and white girl with the orange collar….Sybil

Brindle boy 4 years old ….Wilbur

Black and white boy 5 years old…..Peter

Black boy with the very long face, 3 years old….Simon

Black boy 4 years old, blue collar….Nathan

Black boy with the pleading eyes, 4 years old….Rian

Black boy with the green collar, big daft puppy at just 2 years old….Freddie

Thanks Deb










Gilbert….Blue Skywalker

Gilbert….Blue Skywalker

One of our volunteers spotted a FTGH advert on the Greyhound Data page. Nothing new in that, many of your dogs started their journey on this site.  Tia had enough on with the move and besides, Doncaster is a long way from our kennels now.

 It became clear after a month that this fellow wasn’t going to be snapped up so Tia called up the old guard in Yorkshire. By then he looked a bit moth-eaten to say the least.

 Length of time of his fall from grace? Gilbert came last at Doncaster on 9th April. Advertised FTGH, 16th April.  Sprung by our volunteer (thanks Missus) and came into the fold on the 16th May, smelling like a rabbit hutch.

 Gilbert is a big lump at 35 kilos. Three wins out of 17 races and not three years old. Hardly the pick of his litter and typical of the breeding mill that churns out rubbish to make a buck. Three of the litter made the track and only one is still in training, (came 4th last night at Perry Barr). Another is at a rescue, having won once. Wow.

Gilbert went straight into a foster home and after a few tricky days won his family over.

Enjoy the sofa you great daft lump.




Terence came to us in December 2019. He was one of the Sheffield 13.

Over the past 27 years i can honestly say that these 13 dogs were kept in the worst conditions i have ever seen.

Stilton, Baby belle, Rosie & Winnie are still very happy in their fabulous homes.

Spot & Dot, Bungle and of course Mr Mole are still at Tia.

Terence has gone to join the others that have sadly left us. Eugene, Ramble, Moo Mar and Pollypocket.

He was in the house at the end. A beautiful dog, never a minutes trouble and i miss him terribly.

Those poor dogs had been in absolute filth for the most of their lives. Some of them never recovered. I could write about them for days. Maybe one day i will.
