So here is the plan so far, always open to ideas though…

A few weeks ago there were fifteen dogs on the allotment, the Askern Refugees, which shot up to seventeen with the two strays that he picked up for me from the stray kennel at Penistone. Also Askern Refugees.

He is taking the boys to Donaldson’s for me for their boy ops and dentals. They are then going back to the allotment. They will sit there and wait for their foster parents to pick them up. That is of course if anyone comes forward…

However that is not a possibility for the girls, some are in season and the others can’t be sent back to the allotment after that big operation…..

So there will be 7 boys waiting for you and 8 girls.

I think so far I’ve only had three offers of foster homes. I’m not asking you to take on another permanent pooch but I am asking you to help me out short term. It will not cost you anything other than the food.

The two boys Sam and Peter are two of the Askern Refugees and they are safe with us up here. I cannot take them all.

Come on guys don’t let them spend the winter on the allotment.
