Meet Morse.

Let’s start with the obvious… he is enormous. We hope this doesn’t put anyone off however, as he is just the gentlest giant of a hound. Because he hasn’t seen anything but the inside of a kennel, everything in the world is new to him at this point. But he has approached all this newness with curiosity, and hasn’t yet shown any nervousness.

He loves to cuddle, and gazes into your eyes with the deepest, most loving look. He’s very gentle, takes treats from your hand very delicately, and gives the softest nudges with that extra-long nose if he needs reassurance or attention. He’s met a few different people so far, and was confident, friendly and affectionate with them all.

Quickly learned to get up the stairs (with some encouragement from treats!), and then made his own way back down; from there, he happily went up and down as he pleased. It’s certainly not an elegant sight just yet, but he’s done the hard bit already and will just get more and more used to it.

He walks nicely on the lead; didn’t meet any other dogs up close, but did see some from a distance which he was interested in, yet didn’t get too over-excited. With time and experience he’ll learn to understand what non-greyhound dogs actually are.

Morse will definitely need a garden with a high fence – when he sees something, he just seems to effortlessly levitate so all his paws are about 6 feet off of the ground! Also really doesn’t want to be in the same house as another greyhound boy. We’re not sure how he’d be with a girl, but suspect he’d be happier as an only dog.

Because he is so loving, he could easily get too attached to his people, but this should be quite manageable by getting him used very early to some alone time to help him understand that it’s ok not to be with you constantly. He’s an intelligent dog who learns quickly, and we’re sure he’d manage this.

A wonderful dog who deserves a fantastic forever home.