Steer sleep tight big fella
Breed: Greyhound
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 20/7/16
Racing Name: Crossfield Sean

Sadly we lost Steer on the 20th March 2024...he had a very aggressive tumour.
His mom and dad are devastated, as is everyone who knew or sponsored him. Sleep tight big fella...

Steer went into a permanent foster home in August this year…the wonderful couple who had Boe for two years had a big greyhound shaped hole in their house and hearts.

He is doing okay, he is still nervous and quiet, but he will be fine. He has the best chance now. He will still remain a sponsor dog and Tia will always be here if needed….

Steer was belting (in a way) around Doncaster until last August 2018. His last trial was in October when he was soundly beaten by his own brother. That’s family loyalty for you.

His siblings turned out to be tougher than Steer as four of them were still hard at it up to shut down. It was never Steer’s forte. A beautiful big brindle who really fills the eye, however he is still a little nervous and the right home has been difficult to find.

Steer has been with us four years now.